Reach an active STR audience of 130,000+

Direct weekly email to 40,000 active STR investors

Open rate is double the national average

Reach more STR buyers and sell your STR faster

Reach our active STR audience of 130,000+

Twice-weekly, direct email ads to 40,000 active/engaged STR investors

Open Rate is double the national average so your property is seen

Most affordable ad option to reach the largest target audience of STR buyers.

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Emailed to 44,000 STR investors weekly

Detailed paragraph of property selling points

5 exclusive slots weekly

Link to MLS and/or personal website

1 photo display

Contact info included in ad

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$149 per email

Emailed to 37000 engaged STR enthusiasts twice a week

Detailed bullet points of property selling points, fast and easy ad submission (5 min)

Direct link to contact info included in ad

Link to MLS and/or personal website

1 photo display

Hurry, limited slots available each week, submitted ads delivered within 7 days or less

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